Fellow Society members:


We are having two meetings for the remainder of 2021. Our speaker for September 13 will be John Hallwas. The November speaker has yet to be selected. The officers and board members will meeting in July to finalize plans for those two meetings. Watch this website for more details by mid-July.


As a result of the closure of Western Illinois University, Kathy has produced no newsletter since the one for Winter 2020. She will be sending one out in August of 2021.uture January meetings, not because of concerns regarding COVID-19 but instead as a way of coping with the treacherous weather that typifies that month and that contributes to consistent low attendance then.


If anyone is interested in becoming membership chair for the year 2021, please let me know and I will be glad to initiate contact and begin working with them. Of course, during upcoming months, we might all be thinking of friends and neighbors who might have an interest in joining our group and who only need an invitation from us to make that happen.


Please know that your officers and board members will continue to be in communication as this year progresses and we return to more normal operations.



Larry Zigler

President, McDonough County Historical Society

Since 1969, the McDonough County Historical Society, a not-for-profit organization, has been an important force for promoting historical understanding and preserving materials that reflect the county's heritage.

What does the Society do?