Article I -- Name
The name of this society is the McDonough County Historical Society.
Article II -- Purpose
The purpose of this society is to bring together people interested in history, especially the history of McDonough County. The society will facilitate, to the best of its ability, the discovery, collection, preservation, and dissemination of information and materials, which may help to establish or illustrate the history of McDonough County and the surrounding area. The society will cooperate with the state historical society and with other agencies and institutions in the county with which it shares similar goals.
Article III --Membership
Any person interested in the purposes of the society may join by applying for membership and by paying annual or lifetime membership dues.
Article IV -- Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the society is held during the last regular meeting held in a calendar year.
Article V – Officers, Directors, and Governing Board of the Society
Section 1. The officers shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer elected for one-year terms, and three directors each elected for staggered three-year terms.
Section 2. The officers and directors comprise the Governing Board of the Society.
Section 3. The President is the chairperson of the Governing Board of the Society.
Article VI -- Election of Officers and Board Members
Section 1. All officers and directors will be elected by a plurality of votes cast at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. Not less than one month prior to the Annual Meeting, the President will appoint a nominating committee. The committee will present, at the Annual Meeting, a slate of candidates for each position open for election. Any member of the society may make additional nominations at any time prior to the elections at the Annual Meeting. A candidate for nomination must have been an active member for at least 12 months prior to nomination and must have given consent to be nominated.
Section 3. In the event of the resignation or incapacity of any of the officers or directors, except the president, the vacancy will be filled by a vote of the Governing Board for the remaining portion of the term for that officer or director.
Section 4. Any contested election shall be conducted by secret ballot.
Article VII -- Amendment
This Constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Society as long as verbal and written notice was provided at the previous meeting of the Society. Passage of any proposed amendments requires a two-thirds positive vote of all votes cast at the meeting.
Article I --Membership and Dues
Section 1. Annual membership rights and privileges will be extended to any individual or household unit (one mailing address) who pays dues prior to the start of the fiscal year (January 1 to December 31). Individuals or household units whose dues are in arrears after March 31 of the fiscal year will relinquish all rights and privileges of membership.
Section 2. Lifetime membership rights and privileges will be extended to any individual or household unit upon receipt of a one-time fee. Lifetime members will have the same rights and privileges extended to annual members.
Section 3. Changes in dues or fees: will be initiated by the Governing Board of the Society; will be presented by the chairperson of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Society; and will become effective with majority approval of members voting at the next meeting of the Society.
Article II -- Schedule of and Quorum for Meetings
Section 1. The Society operates on a calendar year.
Section 2. The Society will hold regular meetings. Dates and times of those meetings will be set at the Annual Meeting for the following year.
Section 3. Ten members attending any Society meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Article III -- Duties of the Officers and Directors.
Section 1. The president shall have executive supervision over the activities of the society within the scope provided by these By-laws and 1. Preside at all meetings, 2. Report annually on the activities of the society, and 3. Appoint the members of committees and delegates not otherwise provided for in the Constitution or By-laws
Section 2. The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president until an election can be held to select a new president.
Section 3. The secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings of the Society and of the Governing Board.
Section 4. The treasurer shall be responsible for: 1. Safekeeping of society funds and maintaining adequate financial records, 2. Depositing all monies received with a reliable banking company in the name of The McDonough County Historical Society, 3. Paying out all monies by numbered checks signed by the treasurer and the president, 4. Collecting dues, and 5. Maintaining a list of members.
Section 5. The Governing Board shall have the power to: 1. Conduct all affairs of the Society, 2. Decide questions of policy that for any reason cannot be acted upon at a meeting of the Society, and 3. Perform all functions as designated in the By-laws or otherwise assigned to it.
At any meeting of the Governing Board, four members shall constitute a quorum. The Governing Board, through the chairperson, will present an annual report at each Annual Meeting.
Article IV --Committees.
Section 1. The president will appoint the following committees: nominating, audit, membership, and newsletter as well as any other committees deemed necessary.
Article V --Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order will govern the proceedings of the society except in such cases where policy and/or procedures are specified within the Constitution or the By-laws.
Article VI --Amendment to the By-laws
These By-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Society provided verbal and written notice was provided at previous meeting of the Society. Passage of any amendments requires a two-thirds positive vote of all votes cast at the meeting.