GPS Coordinates and Driving Directions to McDonough County Cemeteries

 Name of cemetery  Latitude  Longitude
Almshouse Cemetery 40.431415 -90.662076
Almshouse Site 40.433069 -90.65682
Anderson 40.554576 -90.815955
Arberghast-Pearce 40.565251 -90.597508
Archer Bethel 40.34752 -90.75623
Argyle 40.463102 -90.806519
Atkinson/McCord 40.46685 -90.781873
Bailey 40.426135 -90.69552
Banks 40.483422 -90.896525
Barber 40.405 -90.77278
Bardolph 40.49806 -90.56944
Bean 40.437166 -90.773091
Beckelshymer 40.590611 -90.721825
Bowlin-Wayland 40.376484 -90.728771
Bushnell 40.547261 -90.493184
Camp Creek 40.36684 -90.647022
Central 40.497719 -90.895109
Chockley 40.29671 -90.531794
Clark-Evans-Woods 40.44488 -90.495835
Clayton 40.2995 -90.634306
Craig 40.370981 -90.610976
Dailey 40.360618 -90.557875
Doddsville 40.285639 -90.650285
Duncan 40.550733 -90.900516
Dunkard 40.32893 -90.782912
Dunsworth 40.352825 -90.774299
Dye 40.450851 -90.901395
Forrest Lawn Memorial Garden 40.452506 -90.71922
Foster Point 40.358124 -90.468761
Friendship with Mouring Sec. 40.460278 -90.881572
Gibson Cemetery 40.366939 -90.774999
Glade City 40.55778 -90.86444
Good Hope 40.565603 -90.671519
Guy 40.500554 -90.757232
Hamilton 40.544906 -90.64159
Harris 40.363516 -90.449185
Hays 40.546449 -90.835767
Head Graveyard 40.543653 -90.771103
Hickory Grove 40.605317 -90.637278
Hills Grove 40.386283 -90.890431
Hillsborough 40.600816 -90.885578
Hutchinson 40.375617 -90.828528
Industry City 40.332205 -90.604502
Jacoby 40.510844 -90.70082
King 40.363785 -90.859564
Larkins 40.630724 -90.608403
Liberty 40.579555 -90.860222
Lower 40.398768 -90.815815
Lynn-Hageman 40.585995 -90.588215
Martha Miler Gravesite 40.370405 -90.766689
Miles 40.314421 -90.474252
Monger 40.564925 -90.718085
Mound Chapel 40.491337 -90.504316
Mount Auburn 40.434363 -90.798367
Murray 40.422408 -90.751543
Mustain 40.602793 -90.863769
Neece 40.39737 -90.789913
New Hope/Old South 40.541706 -90.865989
Oakwood 40.47083 -90.668609
Old Bedford 40.638491 -90.893922
Old Macomb Catholic 40.455328 -90.714195
Old Macomb or McDonough Co. 40.46389 -90.695559
Old Plymouth 40.300909 -90.902909
Old Prairie City 40.628378 -90.456632
Osborn 40.315097 -90.618254
Peak 40.315226 -90.596676
Pennington 40.330043 -90.64235
Pennington Point 40.396431 -90.555417
Peterson Gravesite 40.447976 -90.782579
Pioneer 40.319129 -90.732686
Post/Shippey/Dew 40.459041 -90.765607
Prairie City 40.627616 -90.471689
Primitive Baptist 40.339343 -90.731558
Pruett 40.29671 -90.729848
Rigg 40.356996 -90.694176
Sacred Heart 40.427136 -90.844492
Scott's 40.299242 -90.792155
Simmons 40.514482 -90.743712
Simpson 40.490308 -90.672004
Spring Creek 40.537838 -90.75437
Springer Grave Site 40.300447 -90.592469
St. Paul Catholic 40.47111 -90.67278
Standard 40.308867 -90.577561
Stevens 40.412381 -90.756662
Stickle 40.51609 -90.710381
Stoneking 40.299024 -90.744687
Stoneking 2 40.298844 -90.745025
Strader-Nankivel 40.376914 -90.731841
Unitarian Cemetery 40.461122 -90.695378
Upper Mound 40.503909 -90.466749
Vail 40.327263 -90.599516
Vance 40.32165 -90.579007
Vawter 40.334412 -90.706997
Walker 40.523501 -90.770488
Waymack 40.348819 -90.751541
Wesley Chapel 40.595942 -90.904895
White 40.441367 -90.85666
White Flock 40.353803 -90.829895
Widow Moore 40.426205 -90.810527
Widow Taise 40.45659 -90.863047
Wilhelm 40.315092 -90.595486
Willey 40.288752 -90.700234
Wilson 40.586174 -90.883722


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